Suffer, because its good for ya!
2024 Photos:
Cat Brown Photography Album (50 and 100k)
We like to dream big with our little race on the Prairies, and we are hoping to grow the 100k into a Western States qualifier! Looking for an early season tune-up and grassroots event on some gnarly and beautiful terrain? We have you covered. Check out the video above for a little added inspiration.
Date: Saturday May 10/25
*Please note we cannot guarantee an event shirt if you sign up after Feb. 26.
Distance: 100km, 100km relay (6 runners max), 50km, 25km, 8km
Location: Whiteshell Provincial Park 160km east of Winnipeg- Treaty No. 3 Land
Classic Canadian Shield running on a mashup of sweet single track and flowy runnable trails, with less than 1km of roads! All 4 routes have some wicked terrain to offer, over a combination of technical, rooty and wet boreal forest, exposed granite ridge-lines, some short punchy climbs and even a few scramble sections! If you want to run across the iconic Red Bridge at Hanson's Creek, you'll have to take part in the 100km option! Of note, the first half of the 100km is a challenging and technical course. I won't say this shouldn't be your first ultra, but it isn't one you should come in under-prepared for, as the terrain rugged, remote and due to access logistics aid station are around 16km apart. Highly recommend completing a 50km prior to hopping on the 100km train.
Centennial Trail was conceived by Vern "Skink" Dutton in the 1970's with further work done by the Scouts and Girl Guides to celebrate Manitoba's 100th anniversary. The route is now part of the Trans Canada Trail and travels from its start at McGillivray Falls to Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary in Rennie. Over the last few years a lot of work has been put in to reclaim the trail with the help of some amazing Stewards of the trail including the Manitoba Association of Trail Runners! The rest of the TCT is maintained by the South Whiteshell Trails Association and Falcon Trails, who do an absolutely phenomenal job keeping them in top form.
Course Records
2024 - M - Ihor Verys - 9:07:57
2024 - F - Andrea Tarras - 11:10:49
2024 - M - Mikhail Gerylo - 3:55:06
2024 - F - Chloe Bishop - 5:25:42
2024 - M - Steven Graupner - 2:03:00
2024 - F - Karen Cooke - 2:25:58
2024 - M - Elliott Cooke - 34:08
2024 - F - Carmen Kiltz - 39:39
2024 - Lactic Adios - 10:17:08
Registration - Opens Jan.1 2025 at 0800
Early Bird Entry Fee 2025:
-8km $75.00 CDN plus tax and service fee
-25km $110.00 CDN plus tax and service fee
-50km $150.00 CDN plus tax and service fee
-100km $240.00 CDN plus tax and service fee
-100km Relay Team maximum 6 people $600.00 plus tax and service fee per team.
What's included:
-Some of the most rugged trails the Prairies have to offer!
-Medals from Aravaipa Artworx for 25/50km finishers.
-Custom Trophies from Aravaipa Artworx for 100km finishers
-Suffer on Centennial Shirts from Headsweats for for all race distances and Relay Runners
-Custom patches for 8km finishers
-Race day food voucher
-Awards made by Aravaipa Artworx for top 3 Male and Female finishers in solo events
and first place teams in the 100km relay.
-Professional Photographers on course with photos included in entry fee!
-Donation made to fund trail improvements in the Whiteshell
-Stocked Aid Stations with some amazing volunteers!
-Collect UT of MB points
-Updated Ultrasignup ranking
-UTMB index points
Indigenous and Elite Runners:
-If you are either an elite or Indigenous runner, please email use at: as we are reserving a limited number of free or reduced cost spots. Proof of ancestry or performances may be required.
-Please follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts as we will have updates there.
The following outline is for general information only, it is not intended to be a navigational guide. Anyone that uses it as such, does so at their own risk. The course will be marked with a combination of marking tape, pin flags, cairns, permanent trail signs, and temporary signs for race day. There is also very minimal cell service on trail the first 50km of trail for the 100km. The trail itself has blue directional signs and at intersections will have signposts with directional arrows. If a sign says PTH 44 on it, that means its an access point going to the highway!
Scroll down to end of page for interactive maps of race routes
100k/100km Relay Route
Date: May 10/2025
Strava Route:
McGillivray Falls
The 100km is a point to point route that starts at Alfred Hole parking lot.
Leg #1 - "So the Journey Begins" 16.5km with 240m of elevation gain following Centennial Trail Southeast towards McGillivray Falls. This section has a relatively flat elevation profile until you hit the out and back, with a few scrambley sections. It is mostly runnable with plenty of rock slabs and few technical spots. Its pretty open so keep your head on a swivel looking for course marking! You will first pass the 307 access point where you continue towards Rock Ridge. Past rock ridge you will eventually get to the Powerline Access around 15km into your run, here you turn left towards PTH 44 where you do an out and back to access Powerline Aid Station 1. This will be roughly 16.5km into your run. There is no crew access at Aid Station 1 as there is no parking. There will be pickup and drop off for relay runners here but again NO PARKING!
Leg #2 "The Little Red Bridge" 16.2km with 287m of elevation gain. You continue back towards the main trail and turn left towards Telford Tower. At Telford Tower you continue towards Telford Pond and will eventually get to the STUNNING views at the iconic red bridge. Its after this section that things start to get technical! Continue 400m and you will hit the Bear Lake Junction. Turn left following Bear Lake to PTH 44 where your will find Bear Lake Aid Station 2, 32.7km into your run at the Bear Lake parking lot which requires you to cross PTH 44. Here you will have crew and bathroom access. Be warned that parking is limited!
This will be the end of Leg 2 for relay runners.
Leg #3 "To the Falls!" - 16.7km with 320m of elevation gain. This is likely the most challenging section of the entire race, rocks, roots, scrambles, beaver dam crossings, you name it! From here you continue down Bear Lake trail as an out and back to a designated turn around, where you will be required to mark your bib with a hole punch. You will hit Bear Lake Aid Station 3 (your crew can see you a second time here) again at the Bear Lake parking lot (aid station 2 a second time with washroom) at just shy of 39km. 11.1km to the next aid station!
At this point continue back across PTH 44 and head back towards the Hanson's Creek junction. This time instead of going to Hanson's Creek you will continue straight towards Turtle Rock. Continue towards Lily Pond/McGillivray Falls and take a left down to the McGillivray Falls Parking Lot where you will have aid station, crew and washroom access. At this point 100km runners will be allowed a registered PACER to join them! Here you will hit McGillivray Falls Aid Station 4 (crew accessible) which will have more solid food options. This is roughly at the half way point of 50km.
Leg #4 "Through the Pines" Start of 50km course - (closer to 51km) This is the longest section at 24.5km and roughly 400m of elevation gain. You start by climbing back up the switchbacks you came down to but continuing onto McGillivray Falls trail to tackle part of it's' short loop. This small section is the most technical on the whole course, but don't worry, it doesn't last long! Please be aware that this section also has FOUR HIGHWAY CROSSINGS and a number of smaller cottage road crossings. Vehicles will not be stopping for runners so you MUST be certain it is safe to cross before doing so.
Once you cross the highway the first time, you will be smooth cruising on the rolling gravel and grass paths of the Trans Canada Trail, to West Hawk, through Faloma and all the way into the town of Falcon Lake! We will have an aid station in the middle of this section, just over 14km in with a pit toilet 500m after the aid station along the trail. This Aid Station NOT crew accessible and there will be no relay hand-offs here. There will be an aid station at the end of this section as well that will be crew accessible at Falcon Beach.
Leg #5 "Downtown" - 13.2km with 150m of elevation gain. This one got its name because you start off literally running downtown Falcon Lake. Follow the TCT through town, hop onto Marshes Trail, then hit the Falcon South Shore Trail along with a section of Pierres Poetry and down to Falcon Trails where you will hit the Falcon Trails aid station and finish line, but you aren't done yet!
This section of trail is the most runnable, least technical and a great spot for a new to the trails runner, or a road speedster looking to fly! There will be a crew accessible aid station at the end of this section.
Leg #6 "Top of the World!" Starting at Falcon Trails, where you will also finish, this is a 12km loop with 225m of elevation gain, following the two loop 25km course! It is a mashup of runnable double wide trails and some super technical rocky and rooty sections. The home stretch will have you join Pierre's Poetry again and you finish the same way you came into the aid station the first go around!
If you get there in daylight, Top of the World has some pretty stunning views of Falcon Lake from an elevated viewpoint.
*Be aware that these distances and elevation profiles are taken from GPS data, and are only approximate.
100k course cutoffs:
Bear Lake AS3 - 1300 (7 hours) - 38.7km
McGillivray Falls - 1500 (9 hours) - 49.8km
HWY 301 - 1730 - (11.5 hours) 64.5km
Falcon Beach - 1900 (13 hours) - 74.3km
Falcon Trails - 2130 (15.5 hours) - 87.6km
Finish - 2400 (18 hours) - 100km
The cutoff times require an average moving pace of just over 10 minutes per km or 16 minutes per mile. Out of respect for our volunteers, these course cutoff times will be firmly enforced. Remember RESPECT THE DISTANCE.
*Course cutoff times may be altered by the Race Director depending on things like weather conditions.
50km Route
Strava Route:
The 50km route is point to point, starting at McGillivray Falls Parking lot. Look at the 100km route starting at Leg #4, this is the start point for the 50km and it follows the exact same route as the 100km from here!
25km Route
Strava Route:
For those familiar with the area, this is a mashup of the rocky and technical Five of Diamonds along with some more rolling runnable sections like Pierre's Poetry and High Lake Trail. This will be a two lap route, with one aid station located near the Falcon Trails chalet. You get fans to cheer you on twice!
8km Route
Strava Route:
The 8km.... what can we say about this. I like to think of this distance as a gateway drug for trail running. Enough that you get a good taste of what this beautiful sport has to offer, but not so much that you question your life choices. This route will give you a true trail running experience, some legit terrain, rocks, roots, climbing and descending! Also... no aid stations along the way!
*The course routes has the potential of changing depending on things like trail conditions, weather forecast, park permitting etc. at the discretion of the race director.
Package Pickup:
-Swag and bib pickup Friday May 09 1800-2000 Falcon Trails Parking Lot for all distances.
-If you cannot make this time, pickup will be as follows:
-100k/Relay 0500-0545 at the start Alfred Hole Parking Lot for the 100k and Relay.
-50k 0700-0745 at McGillivray Falls Parking lot.
-25k 0845-0945 at Falcon Trails Parking Lot
-8k 0845-1015 at Falcon Trails Parking Lot
*Please note, if you pickup your bib Friday, you must still sign in the morning of the race during the above listed times, this process is MUCH quicker than picking up swag bags the day of.
Schedule: -100km/Relay start 0600 Alfred Hole Parking Lot
-50km start 0800 McGillivray Falls Parking Lot
-25km start 1000 Falcon Trails Parking Lot
-8km start 1030 Falcon Trails Parking Lot
Pre-race Briefing: Mandatory 15 minutes before each race starts at the race start line
Finish: Falcon Trails Parking Lot for all race distances
Awards: These will be done at the Finish Line at Falcon Trails Parking Lot depending on when finishers arrive! Top 3 in all race distances along with first place Male, Female and Mixed relay teams.
Parking: Located at the Falcon Trails Parking Lot.
Shuttle: We will have shuttle options as a $15 add on for 100km and 50km participants, from the Falcon Trails Parking lot. 0415 for the 100km and 0645 for the 50km. Relay runners will be expected to have their own transport to the start and transition zones (it is a team effort!)
Aid Stations: First off you MUST check in at ALL aid stations. Expect the usual! Skratch drink mix and Huma gels from our friends at Big Sky Run Co., Energy Bites from our friends at Cranked Energy, fruit source bars, chips, pickles, pop, watermelon, bananas, and maybe a few others! For 100km runners we will also have more substantial food (salted potatoes, hot noodles and other typical ultra fair) at the McGillivray Falls aid station, along with a few "real food" options both Falcon Beach and Falcon Trails aid stations.
The total cutoff for the 100km will be 18 hours, with a 9 hour cutoff at the halfway point of McGillivray Falls. Please see the 100km route breakdown for crew access aid stations. The total cutoff for the course will be 16 hours for 50km runners, there is no cutoff times for 25km and 8km runners. There is NO CREW ACCESS at Powerline AS#1 as there is no parking there, but relay teams can do a QUICK drop off and pick up runners there. We do not allow pets on course. We DO encourage spectators to come out and cheer participants on though! Poles are ok, but not likely of much advantage on this course. If using poles, please be careful of other participants!
Directions to Crew Access Aid Station Locations:
AS 1 - Powerline - Drop off/pickup only for Relay Teams NO CREW ACCESS
Drop Bags/Crew- Drop bags must be taken to the start line and put in the appropriate labelled vehicle corresponding to the aid station they will be transported to. Each 100km solo runner will be allowed a drop bag at Bear Lake which they will see twice (aid station 2 and 3) along with the Downtown aid station at Falcon Beach. Each 50km runners is allowed one drop bag which will be transported to the Downtown aid station at Falcon Beach. Please keep you drop bag no bigger than 20 x 14 x 8 .
*Once an aid station closes, the drop bags will be transported back to Falcon Ridge Chalet for pickup. If you need your bag before the aid station is closed you can pick it up from the aid station. ALL DROP BAGS MUST BE PICKED UP ON RACE DAY. If they are not picked up race day they will be donated.
25km and 8km runners are not allowed drop bags or crew. Please remember to make your drop bag distinguishable from others and put your name on it! Crew is not allowed to assist their runners in any area outside of the aid stations. Once all runners are through an aid station, the drop bags will be transported back to Falcon Trails finish line in the chalet, otherwise you or your crew will have to pick up your drop bag at the aid station. Please note that Crew are NOT allowed to access aid station supplies, this can only be done by registered runners and pacers.
Pacers: Pacers are allowed in the 100km solo distance ONLY. They must be registered as a pacer through Ultrasignup (there is a free pacer registration option) and will be allowed to start at Leg #4 Through the Pines from the McGillivray Falls AS, roughly half the distance through your run. Pacers will be given a pacer bib to wear which you will get when you pick up your swag bag. It is your responsibility to get your bib to your pacer. If you have multiple pacers, they will be required to hand off the bib.
All pacers are required to carry the same mandatory gear that racers are required. Pacers are NOT allowed to mule gear for their runner. They must start and stop at an aid station and let aid station volunteers know when they are starting their run, and at what aid station they stop at. Racers are allowed to have multiple pacers (up to 3 based on the 3 crew accessible aid stations from McGillivray Falls on), but must only have ONE on the course at a time. There will NOT be shuttles for pacers to and from aid stations, this is the responsibility of the pacer/crew.
Mandatory Gear: - Hydration - every 50km and 100km runner must carry AT LEAST 1.5 liters of fluid on course be it in a vest, hydration pack or handheld bottles, and come to the event with your fluids FILLED. If the temperatures are high we recommend 2 liters as it is a long haul between aid stations. You must also start with 400 calories be it a few gels, energy bar etc. 100km runners must also carry a cellphone turned on with data.
Each 100k runner must have a pack-able waterproof jacket and buff or toque. The mandatory list may change depending on the forecast race day!
25km runners must carry something to take fluids (soft flask, collapsible cup, etc.) and it is recommended to carry at least 500ml of fluid. 8km runners it is recommended to carry fluids and nutrition but not required. Remember there is no aid station on the 8km route!
-Nutrition - plan adequate nutrition for the race, aid stations are there for fluids and to assist you along the way but should not be solely relied on.
-*This gear may change depending on forecast conditions.
Other Recommended Gear:
-Trail Runners preferably with a Vibram Megagrip outsole as these stick well on rocks even when wet, and those wet rocks can be TREACHEROUS with the wrong shoes. Our friends at Big Sky Run Co. would be happy to help you find the right pair!
-Bug spray
-Electrolyte Tables (such as salt sticks)
-Anti-chafe cream (body glide, nut butter, etc.)
-Phone 25km and 8km
-GPS tracker such as SPOT, InReach
(these can be rented locally at Wilderness Supply)
-Small First Aid kit
Washrooms: There are basic pit toilets located at both the start and finish areas and a pit toilet at Bear Lake Aid Station. There is also washrooms at McGillivray Falls parking lot, 2 along the trail between West Hawk and Falcon Lake (Through the Pines), One at the Downtown aid station, one along Falcon South Shore trail, and washrooms located at the finish line at Falcon Trails in the chalet.
Leave No Trace/Trail Etiquette: This is simple enough, pack out what you pack in! Anyone found to be littering on course will be disqualified and banned from further Trails of 'Toba events. Although this is an individual race, please work as a team on the trails. If you see someone in distress, please offer assistance if possible. Be it staying with the participant until help arrives or taking note of their location and reporting it to the next aid station so appropriate support can be dispatched.
Withdrawing from Race: If you decide to withdraw during the race, you must do so AT AN AID STATION and inform staff/volunteers that you have pulled out. This is extremely important so we have accurate participant counts, and don't contact search and rescue for a missing person.
The relay can consist of as many as 6 people and as few as 3 people covering the 100km distance. Relay teams can be classified as Men, Women and Mixed, with podium prizing for the first team in each category. The distances range from roughly 12km to 25km. Prices are listed as per team, not per participant.
It is the responsibility of the relay team captain to arrange transport between aid stations and the start/finish line. Powerline Aid station #1 will be a QUICK dropoff/pickup point only as there is no parking here. All other aid stations will have parking close by for relay team vehicle access. Each one of the listed legs correspond to the start and end point of a relay leg.
If running with less that 6 runners, the relay team can decide how they want to organize who runs what leg. For example you can have 2 people alternate legs so the runner can rest in between, or you could run to the half way point and switch off to the second runner at this point.
Relay runners will have access to water/nutrition at the aid stations.
Bib pickup and race start times are the same as the 100k solo runners.
Please remember, while you can cheer your friends on you are not allowed to provide any other form of support or supplies, as this risks their disqualification outside of the crewed areas at aid stations. The restaurant at the Falcon Trails Chalet will be open form 1 until 6pm with food and beverages for purchase
Hansons Creek: We highly recommend this just over 7km out and back hike to the beautiful red bridge over Hansons Creek, which is one of the most spectacular hikes in the Province. It is moderately difficult and an amazing location to cheer on you friends and family as they take on the Centennial Trail! Pack some water, snacks and camera and get ready to cheer! Parking is available at Bear Lake parking lot, click "Hansons Creek Route" button below for parking location and navigation via AllTrails. The 100km runners are the only ones that will and 100km relay runners are the only ones that will cross the bridge here.
There are plenty of options close to the race venue, be it looking for cabins and camping to grabbing some grub pre or post race! Below is a link to Explore the Whiteshell which is an excellent resource to help plan your race weekend! If you are looking to stay near the finish, our friends at Falcon Trails rent out AMAZING cabins right close by. These do rent out far in advance so I suggest booking early. Click Here to find out more.
These folks are the reason we can make events like Suffer on Centennial happen! Their hard work and willingness to help out are the only reason we can exist. Remember, if there are any issues they are to be taken up event staff at the start or finish and NOT the volunteers. Please remember though, our volunteers DO have the right to remove participants from the course if they do not meet cutoff times or they feel the participant is not fit to continue.
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, we do offer 25% off of registration to our events. Click link below if you want to take part in our volunteer team! In order to claim your volunteer discount, you must contact us PRIOR to race registration opening for the event you would like to take part in.
Copyright © 2025 Trails of 'Toba - All Rights Reserved.
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